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Doctor who new year


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anon припекло крик души ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

Как же мне печёт от последнего сезона. Я терпел первые серии, но после двух последних больше не могу молчать. Аноны, это пиздец!

Мало того, что предыдущие почти все сезоны были с симпатичными спутницами, две последний так вообще няши, что аж шишка дымилась и паки фоточек собирал, но в этот раз это негритянка-лезби, да еще и не симпатичная совсем! 
Ну ладно, это еще можно было терпеть, и вот я посмотрел 2 недавние серии, и что я там увидел?! Блядь, вы видели эту ёбаную компанию в доме: негритянка-лезби, азиатка, индуска, гей-бриташка, какой-то русский социофоб и верзила с явным заниженным IQ. А сам Доктор еще и в компании пухлого лысого пидорка.
Так еще и в последней серии опять же обыгрывается толерантность, синекожий гуманоид упрекает негритянку в рассизме, а она говорит, что ей наоборот с этим не везет.
Я не расист и не гомофоб, но когда тебе уже со всех фильмов и сериалов этой толерантностью в лицо тыкают, это уже перебор.
Вот, блядь, анус ставлю, что в следующем перерождении Доктор будет чернокожей лезби-феменисткой.


Джон Хёрт RIP ...Доктор кто фэндомы 

Джон Херт скончался, на 77 году жизни

После весьма успешного лечения от рака поджелудочной железы, болезнь все равно взяла свое, но Джон не боялся смерти. Помянем хорошего человека.

"We’re all just passing time, and occupy our chair very briefly.”
Джон Хёрт,Доктор кто,фэндомы,RIP

DW Art K-9 (DW) DW компаньоны Traditional art art красивые картинки inktober inktober2019 ...Doctor Who фэндомы 


by tigerbetty

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,K-9 (DW),DW компаньоны,Traditional art,art,арт,красивые картинки,inktober,inktober2019

Аннотация от автора:

I know K9 isn’t exactly mindless, but robots are generally logical and cold. This metal puppers is an exception! Hoping he makes an appearance again in the new series, unlikely But I can dream! Enjoy this adorable doggo


British Humor Далеки the big fat quiz of the year Джимми Карр длиннопост #British Humor ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,the big fat quiz of the year,Джимми Карр,длиннопост,British Humor,british humor, British Humor,разное

British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,the big fat quiz of the year,Джимми Карр,длиннопост,British Humor,british humor, British Humor,разное

British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,the big fat quiz of the year,Джимми Карр,длиннопост,British Humor,british humor, British Humor,разное

British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,the big fat quiz of the year,Джимми Карр,длиннопост,British Humor,british humor, British Humor,разное

British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,the big fat quiz of the year,Джимми Карр,длиннопост,British Humor,british humor, British Humor,разное

British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,the big fat quiz of the year,Джимми Карр,длиннопост,British Humor,british humor, British Humor,разное

41 ■Tu Floor Manager ED SHARPE EHALL Assista MANDY Manager Costume Designers SARAH FRY* MARCIA STANTON Make-up Designer JACY CLEAL Insert Editors f ^ THOMAS HOLBofeoW , MATT JEFFRIES LbbiE^öB» iGARY KELLY _________ —M,British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор

Production Designer RICHARD DREW Graphics Additional Graphics RACHEL VALE DOM CLUBB Production Accountant JOHN WHITT-AKEIW i Production Co-ofainator EMMA LEONE / Ilk A Script Supervisor » TZ* Ä - lulu НАССЕрГгосподств^ТДалеков,British Humor,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,Doctor Who,Доктор кто,


lego TARDIS Lego MOC ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

50 years of Doctor Who - The 11th Doctor’s TARDIS Console Room

lego,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,TARDIS,Lego MOC

lego,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,TARDIS,Lego MOC


DW Art Киберлюди Ледяные воины (DW) красивые картинки art Traditional art Dark-Matter42 ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

With great respect and much thanks to Ian Akin and Brian Garvey. www. deviantart. com/ dark- matter42,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,Киберлюди,Cybermen,Ледяные воины (DW),красивые картинки,art,арт,Traditional art,Dark-Matter42

Аннотация от автора:

I’ve pretty much given up on this one so I don’t think it will ever be finished. But I wanted to share it with other fans somewhere anyway, so here seems like the right place.
This is my re-draw of the final panel of the British comic Deathworld expanded to a full page Marvel comics style, typical last page thing.
When I was young I always wanted to see my two favorite comic artists--Ian Akin and Brian Garvey--handle Doctor Who monsters in their style. Since that never happened here’s my version of how it would go.
Note: This is not a rip-off of specific panels or drawings; it is me drawing in their style. This is intended as an affectionate, respectful tribute to them.
“Huh? Who and who? I’ve never heard of them!” I hear you say. They are only one of the best drawing duos who ever worked for Marvel (and sundry other comic companies). They are only the two artists responsible for getting me to go gaga over comics in the first place! Their art spoke to me and inspired me in a way no other comic artist had ‘till then. Their brush and pen work is what cemented black and white pen-and-ink art as the thing for me.
I greedily soaked up all their pages like a madman, trying to learn their every technique. I wanted to draw just like them. My inspirations have expanded since then, obviously, but I never lost my adoration of their art.
The best part of drawing Doctor Who monsters in comic-cartoon style is they can be as flexible and mobile as you want them to be, unlike the series’ costumes. You can have expressive Ice Warriors with flexible expressive faces.
Note: these are comic-style Cybermen so they look completely different from their television versions, and yes, they have body language. In the all the years they appeared in the British comics until fan artists took over, they always had body language.
The letters for “…the Cybermen!” dialogue is the Transformers typeface. I thought it worked for them and never considered anything else.
The jagged line thing in the bottom foreground is supposed to be a close-up of a big rock. Except it didn’t look like a big rock, it just looked like someone messing around with brush marks. So I’m leaving it blank. This is one of the reasons I gave up on the whole thing.


...Doctor Who фэндомы 

Обращение в ТП:

Прошу решить проблему с телефонным аппаратом. Невозможно совершать звонки. После набора номера наступает тишина. После тишины не наступает ничего.
Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы

DW Art dalek BenjaminDRichards ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

Dalek Panzer

by BenjaminDRichards

"Pavvie.r' 9*Uk,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,dalek,BenjaminDRichards

Аннотация от автора:So the question was asked, How would you redesign the Daleks?
This is my answer: the Panzer Dalek.
First, some history. The Daleks were introduced in Doctor Who way back when, when World War II was still a fresh memory. A Dalek is a superiority-obsessed war machine that looks like a tiny tank. It's nothing new to suggest that the reason for the Daleks' long popularity as villains is the fact that they tap into the British history of battling Nazis.
However, the Daleks were designed in an age when special effects were not quite so advanced. They are an icon, a classic of design, and there's nothing wrong with them. I simply wondered, what would they look like if we'd designed them today, with a slightly more modern aesthetic?
The Panzer Dalek is designed to do three things: look armoured, be flexible, and look like a Dalek.
You'll notice that the head has a distinctive helmet-like covering. This is based on the German Stahlhelm, albeit modified for the Dalek frame. The Dalek eyestalk should exit the head as high as possible, so as to look down on everything. Daleks admit no equals.
There is also a visor, which can slide up to protect the eyestalk when retracted. This is part of a theme for the Panzer Dalek; its casing is a lot more flexible than the classic model. Things pop in and out.
The head rotates atop a central body, visible along the flanks. This body has a heavy shoulder chassis, to which all other components are mounted.
The upper front of the body is protected by two armoured plates (seen in the rightmost Panzer Dalek). These can pop out, rotate up (as in the middle), and lock back into place (as in the left), revealing weapon and manipulator tools. I've illustrated a couple of varieties of these: classic death ray and grip tool, and a more modern ominous glowing thingy of indeterminate purpose. The weapon modules can evoke the classic Dalek chest-box arrangement, but can also be moved about like stubby arms or folded away for a sleek silhouette.
The lower front is an armoured ram. I see no reason why a Dalek shouldn't be able to hurt things just by moving around. It seems in character.
There are two rear stabilisers, which meet in the back to form a protective barrier.
But the real novelty in the Panzer Dalek is its tripod configuration. The ram and the rear stabilisers are not fixed. They are mounted on extendable manipulators, allowing the Panzer Dalek to shift its posture, rest on rough terrain, and even walk (although it prefers to roll or fly). Together with the base of the central unit, the Dalek can keep three points of balance at all times, enough to remain balanced if it doesn't get too excited.
This Dalek can use stairs.
Look, the middle example is negotiating a staircase. Standard Dalek rules still apply, of course. If a Dalek is confronted with a staircase, it usually just levels the building.
The Panzer Dalek is designed to be emotive. It can use its flexible body to adopt a wide range of postures. Of course, Daleks aren't very good with emotions; usually it will just have to convey hate and/or fear, poor thing. That's OK, it fits the needs of the standard Dalek story. The Dalek should be able to crouch and tense like an angry panther - hence its name. (The Nazi design inspiration did not actually contribute to its name until after the panther comparison occurred to me. After that, it was inevitable.)
There are numerous other design details on the Panzer Dalek. It has shallow parabolic recesses on several of its armour plates; these are low-end manipulators like the classic suction cup arm, except because we live in a century with cheap special effects, they can manipulate objects at a distance. It has armoured flashy lights on either side of its head, which are probably some sort of signaling system. There are also large elliptical plates on its lower torso; these are sealed air intakes, designed to route oxygen to ramjets in the extremities. Daleks can fly now, and although their technology level is way in advance of combustion-induced propulsion, intake ducts are cool and communicate the imminence of flight to viewers.
In general, I hope that this design is faithful to the classic Dalek, while allowing it to communicate and act more effectively.
The voice stays. There's no messing with perfection.

DW Art 2 Доктор Доктор (DW) Таймлорды Бен Джексон DW компаньоны Полли (DW) Kea2lie ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

The Rummaging of the Possessions

by FelicityTheEchidna

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,2 Доктор,Доктор (DW),Таймлорды,Бен Джексон,DW компаньоны,Полли (DW),Kea2lie

Аннотация от автора:

I sent this in to a competition for an upcoming Doctor Who illustrated book. didn't make it, sadly, but this is one of my fave things I've done all year!
this was supposed to accompany the part about Two's first serial, 'The Power of the Daleks', when he wakes up from his first regeneration and starts looking through his old things.


DW Art Уды Traditional art красивые картинки unspoken411 ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,Уды,Ood,Traditional art,красивые картинки,unspoken411

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