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Valeri b

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DW Art 8 Доктор Доктор (DW) Таймлорды DW компаньоны Molly O'Sullivan dalek JohannesVIII Traditional art красивые картинки ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

DiÄ Jbe Great War <& .p'u^tttvgy" №,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,8 Доктор,Доктор (DW),Таймлорды,DW компаньоны,Molly O'Sullivan,dalek,JohannesVIII,Traditional art,красивые картинки

Аннотация от автора:

Doctor Who parody of the 2017 poster for the Cerny Aerodrome annual aerial display in La Ferté-Alais. They always have really cool vintage posters.


DW Art 10 Доктор Доктор (DW) Таймлорды 11 Доктор Traditional art красивые картинки nougatetmephisto ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

2.47 Billions

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,10 Доктор,Десятый Доктор,Доктор (DW),Таймлорды,11 Доктор,Одиннадцатый Доктор,Traditional art,красивые картинки,nougatetmephisto

Аннотация от автора:

400 years is that all it takes?
the man who regrets and the man who forgets

I've drawn this for my bezzy whovian mate, the awesome friend that introduced me to Doctor Who - I might have mentioned her before. This is a scene from The Day of the Doctor, with David Tennant's Doctor on the left and Matt Smith's on the right. Done in several hours, with Indian ink, pencil and carrés Conté on canson paper.


DW Art 1 Доктор Доктор (DW) Таймлорды Сьюзан Форман DW компаньоны Traditional art красивые картинки JohannesVIII ...Doctor Who фэндомы 


by JohannesVIII

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,1 Доктор,Первый Доктор,Доктор (DW),Таймлорды,Сьюзан Форман,DW компаньоны,Traditional art,красивые картинки,JohannesVIII

Аннотация от автора:

Quinnis, where the sky is copper colored, cities are made on bridges between mountains, grass ensnares you, houses can float like boats, people have white curly hair and bronze skin, and giant birds feed on sorrow. Long story short, if you like Susan and the First Doctor (and escapism), I really recommend this Companion Chronicle.


dalek ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

Сделано с помощью 3D-принтера, смесь Будды и Далеки

dalek,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы


Далеки DW comics реклама ...Доктор кто фэндомы 

Будь ближе к тем, кто далек Сдиная цена на тонки по России Ф Мегафон,Доктор кто,фэндомы,Далеки,Далек, Dalek, Daleks,DW comics,реклама,рекламные фото приколы

Новый Год TARDIS DW Gif ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

С наступающим Новым Годом!

Дорогие подписчики фэндома Doctor Who! 
Имею честь поздравить вас всех с наступающим Новым 2016 Годом и Рождеством Христовым и у меня для вас есть новости: В ближайшее время (планируем сделать всё в течении новогодних праздников) сделать ряд изменений, которые внесут разнообразие в жизнь фэндома и сделает ваше посещение более приятными.Но, довольно слов ибо лучше вы увидите результат, чем я буду разглагольствовать по данному поводу, поэтому для вас немного новогоднего настроения =)


DW Art 3 Доктор Доктор (DW) Таймлорды Мастер (DW) 12 Доктор DocRedfield TARDIS ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,3 Доктор,Доктор (DW),Таймлорды,Мастер (DW),Мисси, Missy,12 Доктор,Двенадцатый Доктор,DocRedfield,TARDIS

Аннотация от автора:

Just completed the inks for a personal work/Print I'm making and debuting at the upcoming Phoenix ComiCon in June 2016... Here we see my concept based on Dr. Who Showrunner Steven Moffat's conceit that the Doctor and the Master are actually still friends (in so much as the good guy and the psychopath can be), and that they're the type of relationship that would have a row and then head to the local bar for drinks afterwards. This image popped into my head immediately. Here we see Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Missy (current Master incarnation Michelle Gomez), Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee), and the 'original' Master (Roger Delgado, who was actually chums with Jon). They've obviously had their fight, and now they're nursing their wounds. I've included some easter eggs throughout the piece as well, plus the new Sonic (in retrospect, I should have added broken sunglasses as well). It's got a bit of a Last Supper vibe as well, which I think is funny.

Micron pens on Strathmore 300, 11x17
Color is Adobe CS-2.


DW Art Киберлюди Ледяные воины (DW) красивые картинки art Traditional art Dark-Matter42 ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

With great respect and much thanks to Ian Akin and Brian Garvey.
www. deviantart. com/ dark- matter42,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,Киберлюди,Cybermen,Ледяные воины (DW),красивые картинки,art,арт,Traditional art,Dark-Matter42

Аннотация от автора:

I’ve pretty much given up on this one so I don’t think it will ever be finished. But I wanted to share it with other fans somewhere anyway, so here seems like the right place.
This is my re-draw of the final panel of the British comic Deathworld expanded to a full page Marvel comics style, typical last page thing.
When I was young I always wanted to see my two favorite comic artists--Ian Akin and Brian Garvey--handle Doctor Who monsters in their style. Since that never happened here’s my version of how it would go.
Note: This is not a rip-off of specific panels or drawings; it is me drawing in their style. This is intended as an affectionate, respectful tribute to them.
“Huh? Who and who? I’ve never heard of them!” I hear you say. They are only one of the best drawing duos who ever worked for Marvel (and sundry other comic companies). They are only the two artists responsible for getting me to go gaga over comics in the first place! Their art spoke to me and inspired me in a way no other comic artist had ‘till then. Their brush and pen work is what cemented black and white pen-and-ink art as the thing for me.
I greedily soaked up all their pages like a madman, trying to learn their every technique. I wanted to draw just like them. My inspirations have expanded since then, obviously, but I never lost my adoration of their art.
The best part of drawing Doctor Who monsters in comic-cartoon style is they can be as flexible and mobile as you want them to be, unlike the series’ costumes. You can have expressive Ice Warriors with flexible expressive faces.
Note: these are comic-style Cybermen so they look completely different from their television versions, and yes, they have body language. In the all the years they appeared in the British comics until fan artists took over, they always had body language.
The letters for “…the Cybermen!” dialogue is the Transformers typeface. I thought it worked for them and never considered anything else.
The jagged line thing in the bottom foreground is supposed to be a close-up of a big rock. Except it didn’t look like a big rock, it just looked like someone messing around with brush marks. So I’m leaving it blank. This is one of the reasons I gave up on the whole thing.


DW Art TARDIS Traditional art красивые картинки FledgeGirl ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

Looking at the Stars

by FledgeGirl

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Аннотация от автора:

This isn't paper: it's a ceiling tile from my school's art room (don't worry, I asked for my teacher's permission). I wanted to do something inspired by Van Gogh, then got some ideas from the Doctor Who episode “Vincent and the Doctor” featuring the painter. I achieved the starry appearance by painting the tile black, swirling a primary color on it, then splattering white, repeating until I got the layered look I wanted. I painted a Van Gogh quote from the episode in the lower left corner, when Vincent says "Art. You know, it seems to me there’s so much more to the world than the average eye’s allowed to see. I believe, if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could ever have dreamed of." It didn't seem right without a nod to the Doctor, so I painted the TARDIS in the lower right corner. When I realized that painting a ceiling tile was kinda graffiti, I had to include "Bad Wolf". All in all, this piece stretched my use of painting techniques, and I believe it has been a building block to my artistic abilities.


DW Art DW Other rabiddog008 ...Doctor Who фэндомы 

DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,DW Other,rabiddog008

Аннотация от автора:

From the Doctor Who Series Nine episodes "Under the Lake" and "Before the Flood." In an underwater base in Scotland, 2119 AD, a research crew find themselves under attack by fearsome alien ghosts. Cass (Sophie Stone), first name Jennifer, which wasn't revealed in the episode, takes charge after the commanding officer is killed, and aides the Doctor and Clara in defeating the ghosts. 

Cass, and her actress Sophie Stone, are both deaf and can only communicate through sign language, interpreted by her close friend Tim Lunn (Zaqi Ismail), but she is able to lipread, which comes in handy defeating the silent, chanting ghosts. 

I thought series nine was great, feeling though I was a little iffy, I can't quite explain it, but "Under the Lake/Before the Flood" were my favourites of the series, with Cass being my favourite supporting/guest character. And Sophie Stone was great too, her acting was brill.

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